
How to protect your water quality

December 26, 2024 8:53 am PST

How to protect your water quality

There are many things you can do to protect your water quality. Here are a few tips:


  • Reduce your water usage. The less water you use, the less pollution will be generated. Take shorter showers, fix any leaks in your home, and only water your lawn when it is necessary.
  • Dispose of hazardous waste properly. Hazardous waste, such as paint thinner, motor oil, and batteries, can pollute water if it is not disposed of properly. Take your hazardous waste to a certified disposal facility.
  • Avoid using pesticides and herbicides. Pesticides and herbicides can pollute water if they are not used properly. If you must use pesticides or herbicides, be sure to follow the directions on the label carefully.
  • Pick up after your pet. Pet waste can contain harmful bacteria that can pollute water. Be sure to pick up after your pet and dispose of the waste properly.
  • Support organizations that are working to protect water quality. There are many organizations working to protect water quality. You can support these organizations by donating money or volunteering your time.

By following these tips, you can help protect your water quality and ensure that it is safe for you, your family, and your community.


Here are some additional tips for protecting water quality:


  • Plant trees and shrubs. Trees and shrubs help to filter water and prevent pollution.
  • Build rain gardens. Rain gardens help to collect and filter stormwater runoff.
  • Conserve water. The less water you use, the less pollution will be generated.
  • Recycle and compost. Recycling and composting help to reduce the amount of waste that goes to landfills, which can pollute water.
  • Be aware of your neighbors' activities. If your neighbors are doing anything that could pollute water, talk to them about it.

By taking these steps, you can help protect water quality and ensure that it is safe for everyone.